If you are in need of a quick meal this is my go to. I cook dinner a lot for the kids that I nanny and this was something I whipped up one night. We brought our basil inside and so should you if you have the space! Fresh basil is the best thing to have around whenever you can.

Quotes from the Farmer

Winter is setting in quick, and with little light and cold temperatures growing things outside is getting tougher. The rabbits are getting desperate and eating all the remaining greens, including the onions! So far we have growing indoors lavender, sorrel, basil, cilantro, some mint, and starting some lettuce greens. We’re maximizing the one south facing window, and hope to start growing under some lamps soon.

Pesto is something I make pretty well now these days. I often use nuts as well, for this pasta I made a pesto with basil, kale, almonds, a bit of macadamia nut oil, olive oil and garlic. Almonds add more protein to this dish and make it more filling. The kids I nanny love chicken sausage, so for this dish I use the sweet Italian chicken sausage by Johnsonville. They also always have tomatoes around so I added them for the vegetable in this dish. I always try and make sure there is a vegetable, protein and carb in every meal.

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Serves: 4-5


16 oz Whole wheat penne

4 links of Johnsonville sweet Italian chicken sausage

2/3 cup Pesto

2 large Tomatoes cut into bite sized pieces

Parmesan cheese (optional)


Make the pasta according to the directions.

Make the pesto if you don’t have it already.

When the pasta is done, add the pesto and mix, grill the chicken on a George Forman grill if you have it or just heat them up in a skillet so the outsides get a big browned, slice them and add them to the pasta.

Add the tomatoes, mix and serve! You can also add parmesan cheese to the top.

I’ve seen a couple different version of this recipe, you can use any sort of vegetable. It’s great with roasted asparagus, Brussel sprouts, green beans, sautéed spinach or steamed green beans.

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